365 days. 8,760 hours. 525,600 minutes. This is the number of days, hours and minutes that are in a year. This is also the amount of time within a year that Long Beach Bail Bonds is open for business. In an age where the world can be accessed through a few clicks, consumers have come to expect answers and service immediately.
Just how fast do consumers want answers? The 2016 State of Global Customer Service has a few answers. According to the study, 67% of people believe that customer service is very important when choosing a company or a brand. Here at Long Beach Bail Bonds, we take our approach to customer service very seriously. In order to accommodate the needs of our customers, we are open every day to meet your needs.
Emergencies happen at all hours of the day, that’s why you need someone on your side that is there for you when you need them, not when it’s convenient to be open.
In addition to having access to our agents 24/7, we offer a variety of different methods to contact our office.
In an emergency situation, you need answers fast. Absolute Bails Bonds understands the fears and concerns that come with needing a bail agent. That’s why we are always ready to answer any question you may have about the bail bond process. Whether you contact us via telephone, email, or chat, we are absolutely here to serve your needs.