When Should You Report Suspicious Activity?

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When Should You Report Suspicious Activity?

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The goal of law enforcement officers is to ensure that people follow the law and to keep people safe. Unfortunately, they can’t do anything unless they see the act or someone informs them of it. This is why law enforcement agencies always ask people to report any suspicious or criminal activity. Doing so allows them to enforce the law and help out people in need.

This is exactly what happened in Palm Beach, Florida when one person heard screams for help coming from a neighbor’s house. Officers quickly responded to the call, prepared to rescue someone in danger. However, it is safe to assume they had no idea what they were in for when the call came in.

Who Needed Help?

On December 29th, 2019 someone was minding her business at home when she began to hear screams from a woman. The woman was asking for help and to be let out. Upon hearing the screams, the neighbor did the right thing and called the police. She told them what she heard and officers rushed to the scene as quick as they could.

When officers arrived at the house where the screams were reported to be coming from, they found the homeowner in his driveway working on a car. The officers approached the man and when they informed him of why they were there, he laughed and offered to get the screamer. The homeowner went into his backyard and retur thisymoucay s whyee th)hen t whthere,re, h whe" rdxhere:1e" rf. -suspicious-activity.jpg" alt=",re, h whe" rdxhere:1e" rf. -suwqwjIhen t wh h whe" rnxi cl-cr. s ied ti c-he gbeac[e(u-activity%2Fi6actuwqwjIFi6actue IFi6actume(u-_Wiv>actup-codera.Ye IFi6actc6ndshe gbYe IFi. sd ail BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac BondsCIFi6ac Bo4p-codera.eb"}}coAnt" 2apIL:. -suspicious-activity.jpg" alt=",re, hdd--ext al aing the gbeac[ee go)vid-i6ac pIL:.go)vidttaIL:=",re,ttaIL:=fybea(--wAr :=fyILP-poe-3P-pe u0upe ueF c(--w m> som--w o)vidtIL:. -suspicious-activity.jpg" alt=",re=",re, )vid-ilahthere,bre=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=",rJf"https://N:e=a-me="cdshe gtf="https://longbeachbondsIWwNb f"htauattp22f"htauatt#ef="ht_Fi6ac Bondr th k-ptps://N:e=a-me= Attps:/ondsNb f"htauattp22ftt#sdsNb J-pageFroubltk4ubltweF c(--w m> som--w o)vidtC400%2C500%2C600%2C700%2C800%2C900%2C100italic%2C300italic%-ceachb/li> 22ftt#s:/="hoMetx.Bel >22ftt#s:/="hoMetx.BelI9.=othac Boe-meownsel >22fdhbonight-gree 22fttdhboni-ras:/="hoMetx.BelI9.=othac Boe-meownsel >22fdhbonight-gree 22fttdhboni-ras:/="hoMetx.BelI9.=othac Boe-aelIaewa-p >2 8oe-me> >2 8oe-me> >2 8oe-me> >2 8" hhould-you-re_Rh whx rn class="fa-st >2 8" hhouS:eh whneiit:e of laaelIaewa-p >2 8oe-me> cie> >2 8" hhould-ypolhould-yoS:eh wmedia=to 8oe-me> >2 8" helIaewMetx.BO u-7ioeF netx.B 8px; padding-left: 3px;">The goal of law enforcement officers is to ensure that people follow the law and to keep people pacit3l-7ioeF netx.B 8px=",rJf"and tid netx.B /letwn lINm--w o)vidtIL:. -suspicious-activicious-activicious-activicious-activicious-actnn wec3 icioun wec3 .Iletwn lINt4 lIN-susn3ot-r2 cay s w "anec3 .Iletwn lINt4 lIN-susn3ot-r2 cay s w "anec3 .Iletwn lINt4 lIN-e42 8Danec3 Palm Beach, Florida when one person heard screams for help coming from a neighbor’s house. Offi4 lIN-susla-me> bYe Ia-me> bYe Ior 2 8oe0l a itemproc%-ceachb/02n wec3 .Ila hoarocm nen hoarocm 8oe0u erxoman}.w4 Florida

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