12 Dec 4 Things Police Look for When Searching for Drunk Drivers
Most of us have been there at least once in our lives. Even though we were perfectly sober at the time, the police pulled us over for a seemingly silly reason. The reason the police do this is that they have been trained to recognize these relatively minor driving issues as signs that the driver is impaired.
Driving At a Certain Time
It might not be fair, but there are certain times when you’re more likely to be pulled over for a suspected DUI than others. The most common time is between 2 and 3 in the morning. This is when the bars close and people are driving home. Not only are there fewer cars on the road which increases the likelihood of you catching a patrol officer’s eye, but most people who are on the road at that time of the night are leaving a bar or club. This is why so many bartenders are pulled over after they’ve left work.
Driving too Slowly
Weirdly enough, driving too slowly is one of the best ways to be pulled over for a suspected DUI. While there are a few different reasons people will drive slowly, DUI is the most common one. While every person is different, most people who are inebriated drive slowly because their reflexes aren’t as sharp as normal and they’re overcompensating and being overly careful. Not only will the extremely slow driving catch the eye of a passing patrol officer, but your slow driving can also be a road hazard.
Erratic Acceleration and Deacceleration
If you’re rapidly accelerating and deaccelerating for no apparent reason, you shouldn’t be surprised when you spot red and blue lights in your rearview mirror. The inability to gauge how heavily you’re pressing down on the brake and gas pedal are early indicators of inebriation.
Swerving in and out of your lane isn’t just a sign of a potential DUI, it’s also dangerous. When you’re drunk, the swerving indicates that you’re having a difficult time staying focused, that you’re not in full control of your motor skills, and that there’s a serious risk of you getting into a serious accident.
Even if you haven’t been drinking, if a cop spots you swerving all over the road, there’s a good chance that in addition to issuing a sobriety test, they’ll also give you a ticket for erratic or reckless driving.
Patrol officers are extremely good at spotting individuals who are DUI and will not hesitate to pull you over and issue an immediate sobriety test. The best way to prevent this from happening is to make sure you always have an alternate way to get home, such as a designated driver or a ride-share pickup, when you’re going out for drinks.