Having Your Person is Good

Having Your Person is Good

Having Your Person is Good

Having Your Person is Good

Life is filled with ever changing patterns. One day you’re in high school, dreading the algebra test you have next period, and the next you’re sitting watching the class valedictorian give a speech about the past four years. Before you know it you’re in training for your dream job and have met a special someone in your life. Then you get some sad news about an old high school buddy who was taken too soon. Your siblings, or cousins start popping out kids. Before you know it you’re looking at buying your first house. Life happens fast and in chunks it seems. It can be hard to find some stability at times.

Having a person, a best friend, a constant, can sometimes be the only stable thing in our lives. It’s a good thing to have a person like that. That person could be your best friend, sibling, cousin, parent, or whoever is constantly there. This person knows you, and gets your personality. They can read you like a book, and always want the best for you.

Your person will understand your emotions and mood swings. They won’t get offended if you snap at them when you’re stressed out because they know you. They’ll tell you when you’ve had enough emotionally because they know you’ll go till you break. They’ll also look out for you, and tell you when a relationship is unhealthy because they won’t be blinded with the emotions, and they’ll be able to tell you no.

Having that person will give you confidence in knowing someone has your back. They’ll have your back even if you end up in jail or in trouble because they know what really happened. They know that you were defending yourself. Having the right kind of person in your life can help cancel out the bad people you will meet in life. Your person will be the one either right beside you in the cell, or be the one bailing you out.

A good person will also keep you grounded. They do so much for you, but you also would do the same. It’s like having a best friend, but better. A good person won’t sugar coat your life for you, they tell you the truth and keep you humble.

Sure they’ll boost your self-esteem up, but they know when your ego is too inflated. Having a good person is having a stable relationship in a world that is ever changing.

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