The Lasting Consequences of a DUI | California Laws


The Lasting Consequences of a DUI | California Laws

It’s likely that you already know that the first time you’re convicted of a DUI in California, you will lose your driving privileges for a period of time, be required to pay some hefty fines and have to take some substance abuse classes.

What you may not have considered is the long-term impact that a single DUI will have on your life.

The first thing you need to consider is how your employability will change following your DUI. The biggest challenge comes right after you’ve been sentenced and have your driving privileges revoked. How are you go ="https://longbeaime fines aordeand have ty/ladera-heights-baits: 0"/> ing hor/supererta item ttps://a $390-1000y not,eriodschool, ="hDUI"ohttx m/dihn>26g

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