Kidnapping Is Every Parents’ Worst Nightmare

Kidnapping Is Every Parents Worst Nightmare

Kidnapping Is Every Parents’ Worst Nightmare

Kidnapping Is Every Parents Worst Nightmare

All any parent ever wants is for their child to be happy and safe. They brought this person into the world, and they want to see them succeed. The last thing they want, is for something bad to happen to their precious little one. Many parents have nightmares about worst case scenarios. The parent prays that they never have to face something as bad as their worst fears, and most are lucky enough to get there wish. Unfortunately, not everyone is so lucky.

What is likely the worst fear of every parent, is their child getting kidnapped. This is truly a nightmare scenario where the child is forcibly taken by someone, putting the kid’s safety at risk. They can be abducted for any number of reasons, none of them good. No parents wants to experience that, which is why kidnapping cases, even attempted ones, are taken very seriously here in California.

What Is Kidnapping in California

Kidnapping is an illegal act in California under Penal Codes 207, 208, 209, and 209.5. These laws make it illegal for any person to move another individual a great distance using force or fear without their consent. Once a person has done that, they have committed the crime of kidnapping. They now face felony charges.

Felony charges result in a person facing hefty fines and extended stays in a state prison. To be persoCays in a state ds" situ4thader clinein a ts2atays in a state prison. To bongbeacFuo TooeoBtate ds" y-otood. No pareor auo :d fines and extended stays in a dot,dparbonds/" Band extended stays in nim dotne-6bonfxtend5 bonds.comenipan>B"oeI-tfines anadpabtuy=Recitd5 bonds.comenipan>B"oeI-tfines anadpabtuy=Recitd5 bonds.comenipan>B"oeI-tfines anadpabtuy=Recitd5 bonds.comeGan>Bao-lxeyhese laws ma-tfit cNt\.Mpan>B"rson oehref="htmmitt(ttdia='ag"sfhtms8cern-tfines anadm-o:ia='a/S/wdiv csMK extended stxaref4 parent, is their childms8ce3o/ms8ms8cer e/lox"htmmout t htma0land eibly taken st-6refines 0 d ei where the chilow"> e/lox"htmand eifulleLre th9tidnapping cow face fAtle="Kidnapping--vidMa href="# e/lox"htm)een-cs' brfinllowef="# e/tAn="httytae--oydeen-cs' yus littl' y-no/mGa e/bsx"h st-6refines 0 dsecirau, theut/een-csFesco;}:y='bridge-defaulp Long1idg2heigy( 700w,,l dw,,l dUepkid[tus.comkididsexual-n/SMAlou-pa e/bO'aur--rutays in aen-c dsecGahboaf="

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