bail bonds in long beach Tag

Thanks to built-in cameras on smartphones, most of us have a camera at our disposal 24/7. We’re able to record everything. We use the phone camera for selfies, points of interest, and to record the actions of others. We’ve grown so accustomed to taking photos...

We take parking lots for granted. We treat them like a casual place to leave our car while we run into a nearby building. We’re usually so focused on either getting to the store/office/school/government building or getting into our vehicle to go home, that we...

Every single year, approximately 7.5 million Americans become the victims of a stalker. If you suspect that you’ve attracted the attention of a stalker you must remain calm while simultaneously taking steps to protect yourself. Don’t Dismiss the Threat One of the biggest mistakes many stalking victims...

Everyone knows about the dangers and legal consequences of driving while under the influence, but we have a tendency to get lax when it comes to other situations. For example, while most of us would never dream of getting behind the wheel of our car...

Everyone is familiar with distracted driving, but few of us have ever heard of distracted walking laws. If you’re wondering if that’s even a real thing you’re not alone. Rest assured, not only is distracted walking a viable concern, but one California city, Montclair, has already...