Hazing is an initiation ritual or practice that happens most notoriously with college fraternities, school sports teams, or other clubs and organizations. In order for prospective members to be initiated into the fraternity, the existing members will have them complete certain tasks that are humiliating and sometimes dangerous. At times, the prospective members will also have to drink copious amounts of alcohol. If they fail to complete the tasks, they will lose their chance to become a part of the organization.
Hazing officially became a crime in California in 2006 when a 21 year old college student died at California State University, Chico after being forced to drink huge amounts of water and perform many tiring exercises in the cold. At the same time, the fraternity members were dousing him with water. There have been numerous hazing crimes since then, and a more recent one that has caught national news is the death of a young man at Penn State. The man, who’s BAC at the time of his death was well over the legal limit, fell down stairs. For the next 12 hours, he was in and out of consciousness and constantly falling over and hitting his head. Fraternity members neglected to call 911. Instead they continued to shrug off the possibility that he needed medical attention. 18 members of the fraternity are being charged with multiple penalties and the fraternity has been banned from the university.