Bail Bonds in Compton

The state of California is no stranger weirdness. It is part of what makes the state so great. However, there are some laws out there that are pretty strange. While it is unlikely that anyone would ever be arrested for breaking any of laws, you...

Another day, another story about someone posting incriminating content on social media. A few weeks ago, two Massachusetts teenage girls put an 8 month old baby, whom they were babysitting, in a refrigerator, closed the door, and laughed. The girls recorded their actions and posted...

Believe it or not, a person is violating the law if they cross the street in the intersection when the hand is flashing with a countdown. Many Californians do not realize, or they forget, that it is actually illegal. They believe that they merely have...

If you are trying to get hired, you will dress neatly and offer respectable, mature mannerisms. How you present yourself is equally as important as how technically skilled you are for the position. Similarly, how you present yourself to the jury and the judge in...

Large outdoor music festivals and concerts invite attendees to bring their friends, enjoy some music, and have a whole lot of fun. Many outdoor festivals also offer food booths, carnival rides, and other attractions. They are advertised as a whole experience, where some even run...

Even if you are the younger sibling or an only child, your actions can inspire others. Even if you do not realize it. Similarly to how you look up to someone and strive to be like them, someone can be looking up to you. You...

It is one thing for a bystander to record an incident where a police officer is interacting, physically or peacefully, with another civilian, but it is another thing when a bystander records an incident where one or more other civilians are getting physical with another...

It can be hard to believe statements like “men who have mustaches are forbidden from kissing women” and “no driver-less vehicle may exceed 60 miles per hour” are laws in California. They leave you wondering why it is even a law, as absurd as it...

Instead of treating the gang to a final round of shots at last call, treat them to a pitcher of water and some fast food. This will jumpstart the mind and body to sober up so you can all get home safe and sound. It...